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51, male

Posts: 14

Re: Kevin Annett. wearing collars and taking dollars.

from bmxninja357 on 04/17/2015 09:28 PM

as to kevins republic of kanata, its a fake. a fraud. a phoney. first dear reader we must understand kevin has been a liar for profit since he first appeared to the general public via his feel bad shlockumentary on canadas genocide, unrepentant. if its anyone its he who is unrepentant.

so after being run off of most places he could put his hand out he settled on the freedom movement as its fairly easy to tell folks what they want to hear. it gets much easier if the marks are predisposed to calling anyone who dosent agree a shill or agent or troll or whatever. most will not even entertain reading anything that does not agree with what they belive. and this gave the minister of fraud kevin a grand opening. all he had to do was dummy up a few follower and hiarchy (all or most of them fake people or ones who dont know there name is used) and figure out how to tell the marks what they want to hear. and as far as frauds go his is brilliant in its choice of dupes, and ability to create its own following. normally i would not put such a large cut n paste but in case it goes missing i thought i would post this item in its entirety. here is the basis of kevins common law court.....

The Republic of Kanata: Questions and Answers
The Republic of Kanata and its Common Law: The Facts


Ten Basic Questions and Answers
republic of kanata

1)What is the Republic of Kanata?

A sovereign nation of many nations that have broken free from the British monarchy and its tyrannical system of "crown law".

Kanata is convened under a public Proclamation of January 15, 2015 that establishes it as a constitutional republic under the common law. The Republic has over 1,000 founding signatories but reflects the wishes of nearly 60% of Canadians, who when polled in 2013 favored an end to all ties with the British monarchy.

The Republic of Kanata is also the fulfillment of the aspirations of the first patriots who attempted unsuccessfully to create such a Canadian Republic in 1837. "Kanata" is an Iroquois word meaning "our communal village".

2)Is the Republic of Kanata an actual lawful government?

Yes. Its founding Constitution disestablished the political authority of the British crown in Canada and replaced it with a sovereign nation consisting of free, self governing people. The legal legitimacy and jurisdiction of the Republic was created by an Act of Supremacy in its first General Congress, which established a High Court of Justice to administer the common law everywhere in the new nation. The authority of all former agents and officials of the crown was formally revoked by this Act.

3). How does the new Republic affect my life?

Freedom from Debt Slavery: You are now freed from all of your former debts, mortgages and taxes, which were declared legally null and void by the Constitution of the Republic. Any attempt by agents of the old regime of "Canada" to collect such debts or coerce you are now illegal acts, and the perpetrators can be arrested by Republican sheriffs and tried for treason by the common law courts of the new Republic. All banks, credit and money supply are now under the control of the people.

No income tax: Abolished under the new Constitution.

Prosperity: You are eligible to receive up to two hundred hectares of land formerly held by the so called "crown", as well as a guaranteed annual income from the wealth formerly hoarded by the crown agencies and their super-rich corporate partners.

Justice: You now have direct control over the law and the courts of the land by electing their judges, juries and sheriffs.

Direct Democracy: If you are sixteen years or older, you can now vote in elections every two years to the General Congress and every year to local governing bodies. You can also now recall any elected or non elected public official, judge or sheriff who has violated their oath of office or lost the confidence of the people.

4)What is the common law?

The basis of all legitimate government and authority. It is inherent in all men and women and establishes them as unconditionally free, self governing and sovereign people whose life and liberty cannot be subverted by any power.

The common law is superior to and outweighs all government statutes and other legal systems such as church "canon law" and so-called "admiralty law" employed by governments to rule arbitrarily. "The common law is common sense written by God in the hearts of the people" (Justice Edward Coke, 1628)

5)Are common law courts legal and valid?

Yes. Their authority and legitimacy as upholders of the rights of the people is recognized by the United States Supreme Court as well as Canadian "crown" courts, which are descended from the English common law tradition. That tradition recognizes that the people themselves are the best guarantors of their own freedom; and that therefore, the law is upheld and defined by citizen juries and enforced by local county sheriffs beholden to the people and not a central government.

5)Who is Kevin Annett and what is his role in the Republic?

Kevin is a leader of the common law and Republic movement, and of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS). He serves as a special adviser in common law to the Republican government and works actively with many victims of crimes against humanity, in Kanata and around the world. He is also the Convener of District One (West Coast) in the Republic.

Kevin is also a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and award winning author and human rights figure. Born and bred on the prairies and west coast, Kevin is the former United Church minister who first exposed and documented genocide by church and crown in the Indian schools. ( . A biography of Kevin and more information is found at and .

7)How do I go about joining the Republic and getting involved?

The Republic of Kanata is a fact: as of January 15, 2015, you live within its common law jurisdiction anywhere on the territory of the former "Dominion of Canada". However, you can declare your formal citizenship within the Republic by taking a Pledge to the Republican constitution and receiving official identification as a member of the Republic, including a passport and citizenship papers. You can also take an oath of office as a sheriff or other public official, and become involved in your local branch and District, by contacting [email protected] .

8)Do indigenous nations have to be a part of the new Republic?

No. If any genuine indigenous nation decides unanimously not to be affiliated with the Republic, they may legally secede and establish their own separate nation within the general Federation of the Republic. However, the indigenous nation may not create laws or practices that violate the Constitution and common law of the Republic. If the indigenous nation remains within the Republic, they will have guaranteed representation in a separate Chamber of Indigenous Nations within the General Congress.

9)Am I at risk under the new Republic?

There are risks involved in any freedom movement. But the law and the people are with us, and more police are coming over to our jurisdiction every day alongside our growing network of sworn common law sheriffs.

Your liberty and security will be guaranteed the more you make the Republic a reality by your own refusal to participate in the old system called "crown law" and "Canada". Turn away from the old and reclaim the land, the law and the future, for all of us.

10)What do I do next?

Take the pledge to the Republic

Join your nearest Republican branch and help educate and mobilize your family and neighbors for the Republic

Stop paying taxes and mortgage payments, and issue our Revocation Order to all government and corporate agencies and agents

Receive training as a common law sheriff or peace officer

Defend your fellow members of the Republic

Issued January, 2015

by the General Congress of the Federated Republic of Kanata

Convened in Winnipeg under Common Law Jurisdiction


i suspect he put winnipeg there to appeal to the locals. but at any rate this is a fine example of telling the crowd what they want to hear. the crowd providing the echochamber. and no one doing 15 minutes woth of research on this collared clown.




Don't piss up my back and tell me its raining



51, male

Posts: 14

Re: Kevin Annett. wearing collars and taking dollars.

from bmxninja357 on 04/17/2015 08:04 PM

i think i can put forth a little logic without taking a big leap.

in short form, the first nations have run off kevin. and really run him off. i will be posting more on this in the future but will deal with this connection now.

since kevin was run off the reserve, so to speak, he has tried a few things one of the latest is his 'patriots in a dennys' style court. but i did mention that this is kevin, and as such he is way to good to pay for a trial at dennys. in fact his court is a complete and total fabrication. here is a couple of his jurors explaining that very thing:

but here is the link to the court itself:

my my my, what a uninspired crapfest of one mans delusion. but why now? i will tell you why. he was exposed for his con game on the first nations and the well was running dry. so kevin did what any good conman would do and looked for a group of largely gullible dupes with a predisposition against the current government, laws, and basic institutions of the land. and he found the freedom movement. (not necessarily the freeman movement but much larger in scope) many of the leaders did not take the bait. some expressed this, some didnt. but then he found good old dean clifford. locked up. down on his luck. lost his illegal toys and plants. but dean had two things that kevin knew he could work with. one, dean is gullible. he wants to side with whoever seems to be the winningest underdog(a common trait in the freedom movement mentality). and two, dean has lots of followers with jingle in their jeans and kevin wants it.

so all kevin had to do was offer up his fake court ,accept donations, and make claims of the wonderous things he could do for dean and the freedom movement.

Common Law activist Dean Clifford adopted as International Prisoner of Conscience after his year long incarceration without charges or trial in a Canadian prison
Breaking ITCCS News, October 10, 2014

and there starts the connection. and many in the freedom movement jump on the fake ministers bandwagon and belive they are supporting freedom, dean clifford, and a real common law court. and kevin laughs all the way to the bank (where he promptly transfers the funds to folks like his dad so as to avoid the tax man)

despite my dislike of mr clifford kevin is, as best i can tell, the biggest most self serving peice of shit ever involved in any freedom or truth movement.

more to come on him. the information is literally endless.

Don't piss up my back and tell me its raining



44, male

Posts: 6

Re: Kevin Annett. wearing collars and taking dollars.

from Jeffrey on 04/17/2015 06:35 PM

Maybe someone can figure out what Annett's new Kanata think is about and what the nexus to Dean Clifford is?



51, male

Posts: 14

Kevin Annett. wearing collars and taking dollars.

from bmxninja357 on 04/17/2015 06:07 PM

lets start by going back to the 90's. as good a place to start as any. here we have kevin getting defrocked and its as good a place to start as any.


Responses to claims made by Kevin Annett

The following are the official BC Conference responses to claims made by Kevin Annett and articles in community newspapers.

June 25, 2001 "letter from Deb Bowman to churches in BC Conference"

April 17, 2001 "letter from Deb Bowman to members of BC Conference"

July 18, 2000 "Holocaust Denial In Canada", Times Colonist, July 16, 2000

September 26, 1997 letter from Roger Clark, Secretary General of Amnesty International stating that Amnesty International is in no way involved in the "case" of the Rev. Kevin Annett.

September 24, 1997 letter to the Vancouver Courier by Keith Howard.

September 16, 1997 letter of Brian Thorpe

September 16, 1997 letter of Brian Thorpe to the Vancouver Sun.

Formal Hearing Panel, August 1996 re: Kevin Annett

from the last link: "Then I knew, without a doubt, Kevin had a serious problem that was out of control. Kevin's letter of resignation was bizarre and irrational. I asked him how he could say that working with us jeopardized his personal and spiritual integrity and then closed by saying that he'd be with us for another six months. He said he needed the wages. I couldn't see where his argument for integrity stood up when money took the upper hand."-(Ms. Bernadette Wyton)


more to come. much, much more.



Don't piss up my back and tell me its raining

Reply Edited on 04/17/2015 06:28 PM.


51, male

Posts: 14

This Woman Was Fined for Feeding the Homeless

from bmxninja357 on 04/17/2015 05:23 PM

This Woman Was Fined for Feeding the Homeless — And Her Response Was Legendary
April 16, 2015

"Joan Cheever, a San Antonio woman, accused police of infringing on her religious liberty after authorities issued her a citation Tuesday for feeding the homeless. She may now face a penalty of up to $2,000.


"I have a legal right to do this," Cheever told police officer Mike Marrota, Texas Public Radio reported. When Marrota asked what she meant, Cheever dropped none other than the state's own Religious Freedom and Restoration Law.

"I have a law degree, I gave them, memorandums of law telling them why they can't do this," Cheever told Mic."

read the whole item:

an interesting item. personally i have an iron in the fire on such things due to an ongoing project. what are your thoughts on this?



Don't piss up my back and tell me its raining



75, male

Posts: 3

An Invitation to K1W1!

from QuatloosShill on 04/17/2015 05:46 AM

As you'll note from my avatar I'm Burnaby49 from Quatloos. K1W1 and I have sparred indirectly on a few topics, mostly the doomed COMER lawsuit and Menard's various follies. Indirectly because, until now, I've only posted on Quatloos and K1W1 has been posting on So I've responded to his comments posted on davidicke via Quatloos postings. At best an awkward business. However K1W1 and I now share the same website so if he wants to argue I'm here and available. So feel free to pick a topic. Same goes for reverendjim.




51, male

Posts: 14

Re: Santos Bonacci

from bmxninja357 on 04/17/2015 01:53 AM

thanks for the recap on the current santos situation. when i get some spare time im going to go back and see if i can find what lead santos(sam) down his current path and at what point people started listening to him and why. he is kind of an anomaly to me as he has flocks in other fields of 'astrotheology', ufology and flamenco guitar.

good recap and im sure more will be added as time passes. so far he has gotten further convictions in his absence so when he is caught he has made it worse for himself.

but again its a case of 'its unfair to me' instead of what it should be, 'its unfair to the people'. he should have fought the legislation itself (for the good of all involved if that is what he truly belives) without getting into very expensive trouble.


Don't piss up my back and tell me its raining

Reply Edited on 04/17/2015 01:53 AM.


44, male

Posts: 6

Santos Bonacci

from Jeffrey on 04/17/2015 01:09 AM

bmx asked me to do a little overview on Santos just to get discussion going.

Santos Bonacci first becomes popular in the alternative sectors of the internet with his Astrotheology videos, which I won't go into because it's outside the scope of this forum. Where Santos really enters the fray of the Freeman movement is with his arrest in January 2014.

The full story behind the arrest goes back a few years. As far back as 2013 or probably further back Santos had been absorbing Freeman ideas from Dean Clifford and Kate of Gaia, a relationship that took place over the internet (Santos being in Australia, Kate and Dean being in Canada).

Where the Freeman beliefs led to problems for Santos was the "Right to Travel" aspects. Santos lives in Melbourne and in 2008 they got a brand new Freeway that allowed drivers to get from point A to point B a lot faster. In order to fund it however, the road charges a toll for users, which was the topic of political controversies down there as explained in the Wikipedia article and different newspaper articles.

Now, Santos drove on those toll roads but didn't pay the toll. The Freeway uses automatic passes that charge you everytime you drive on it, same system used in the US. In Australia they're called Breeze Passes, in New York and a few other states they call them EZ Passes, Florida calls them Sun Passes, etc. Problem being, if you drive through the road without a pass, cameras record your license plate and send you a bill in the mail. Santos ignored those letters, and because of late fees, a trip that cost a few dollars became $144 per trip because of late fees and so at the time of the arrest, Santos owed $132,000 total.

Santos was arrested in January, had a hearing, got released on bail then had a second court date in July. Santos however decided not to show up to court in July at which point a bench warrant was issued. Santos claimed he did not have to go to court in July because he had paid off the debt with some stamps, a Freeman type "Accepted for Value" scheme which did not work.

Now the Herald Sun reported that Santos was facing 900 days in jail for the fines which might deserve some explanation. In Australia they have legislation that sets the ratio of fines to jail time. So for every $144 in fines, you can instead do 1 day in jail or, more interestingly, you can do 5 hours community service for each $144 in fines. Based on internet reports, the judge allegedly gave Santos the option of doing community service and spending no time in jail, but Santos chose instead to go on the run.$FILE/06-012a.pdf

Since July Santos has been in hiding from police, successfully so far. He has made a number of internet radio appearances.

The latest news is that Santos was found guilty of contempt by the Victoria Supreme court. This was unrelated to the fines situation and in fact dates back to 2013. Santos basically tried to intervene on behalf of two guys who were growing and selling marijuana, both later pled guilty. I'll quote from the court decision:

The context, constituted by the Facebook page, the internet radio broadcast, and the seven emails, collectively, reinforces my conclusion that the specific purpose and intention of the respondent, in publishing each of those matters, was to interfere with the criminal proceedings before the County Court. In that way, each of them formed part of a campaign by the respondent to place pressure on and intimidate the court in the conduct by it of the criminal proceedings against Marks and Oleyar.

So that's the basic state of affairs right now. Santos has warrants out for the traffic situation, not clear what the result of that will be. He also has a warrant out over the contempt of court conviction, not clear how much jail time that involves either. The Austlii link contains some information about how they tried to track Santos down, but he appears to be either hiding at an unknown location or moving from place to place. Australia is a big place so plenty of places to hide.



44, male

Posts: 6

Re: The Basic Definition

from Jeffrey on 04/17/2015 12:17 AM

I'd go for the basic definition being the Canada/UK/Australia derivative of the Sovereign Citizen movement in the states. With the basic tenet being defined by Menard and related founders of the movement. I.E. that you can unilaterally opt out of laws and legal obligations.



51, male

Posts: 14

Re: The Basic Definition

from bmxninja357 on 04/16/2015 07:40 PM

good to see you wessera, and congrats. you broke the ice and made the first post on this site!

i find your question to be a very good one and it just might be more complex than any one thinks it is. the difference, i belive should (note i said should) lay in the activism. the willingness to not stand by when others are abused by any of the arms of government (or anyone else). the willingness to find a issue and attempt to make changes so it is no longer an issue. presenting actual evidence researched from valid sources so as to change the current situation for a more free, peaceful, fair and just society. there are many things that require taking a stand. the catch is many are unwilling or unable to do that. the world does a good job at keeping folks in general either to ignorant or to scared to even try to effect any change or even draw attention to the problem. i belive the original intent was for the freeman on the land movement to be the ones willing to empower others to stand up against a seemingly endless string of legal, political, financial, military, etc. systems that are not good for the people in general; many also restricting what can be seen as basic rights and freedoms. in short, it started with good intentions.

and then it went down hill....

what we have now is a very few with the original intent. many want a free ride. many think the world owes them a living. many think they should enjoy more freedoms than their neighbours. it really should be about changing things for everyone, not how do i get a free (insert thing here).

i will leave it at that for now and continue this further as it pops into my head.

thanks for the question!

Don't piss up my back and tell me its raining

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