Dean Clifford.

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51, Männlich

Beiträge: 14

Dean Clifford.

von bmxninja357 am 26.07.2015 09:58

anyone who has been following my posts in other places probably knows i have no respect for mr. clifford. this gentleman has been straight up lying to his paying customers and adoring fans. but rest assured he has been presenting fiction in his words and videos. he is a fraud out for one person, himself.

when i was actively persuing the truth about dean i was actually asked to tone it down on one site. i was offended by this so much that it became hard to interact knowing that the truth about dean clifford the person and his teachings were being withheld from the general readers. i do not think any ill will was intended. i just think it was hard for some to comprehend the extent of his lies. but now it is undeniable. we can read the documents. we can put the the videos and updates from his own site, his interviews from around the net, his posts on social media and other places right next to the cold hard court records and see if he was liying and to what degree. well i can tell you its not pretty.

im going to go to some other folks and see if i can get the timeline and facts all in one place. this is so those trying to help those suckered in by dean have a leg to stand on thats easy to find and reference.

more to come.

Don't piss up my back and tell me its raining



51, Männlich

Beiträge: 14

Re: Dean Clifford.

von bmxninja357 am 05.08.2015 10:53

so none of you are going to post the truth? did ya look? the guy conned you. he is continuing to con you if your in the fold.

sad fact is its hard to find his "updates" in a working form.when i do, like you know im going to,  then i will link the court docs so you can deside if its the truth or a lie. lets see if what deenerino said matches what the court documents reveal. and so you know, not all courts lie. they have no reason. dean does. send him 20 bucks he will tell you why.

the subject of this thread gives me a headache. what a fucking useless goof deaner is.

Don't piss up my back and tell me its raining


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